According to CNN, the channel Mr Chavez gave an exclusive interview to, the Venezuelan politician thinks that US needs petroleum "like air, like oxygen to live, to survive".
He also thinks that the decreasing crude oil prices can only do good to the globe as "the world will need to sustain its industrial rhythm".
Mr Chavez, who called the former US President George W. Bush "the devil" wishes to improve the relations between the two countries so that it can be on the same level as it was during the Clinton era.
The Venezuelan President has been fulfilling his political role for almost 10 years now. Although the current constitution of the Latin-American country only allows him to have two consecutive six-year terms, Mr Chavez wishes to amend it so that he can be elected for the third time in 2012.
Some major changes happened since Hugo Chavez was elected as President. There are more General Practitioners available per 100,000 Venezuelans and 95% of the population is entitled to have free health coverage compared to the 25% a decade ago.
During a celebration, held in the capital Caracas, to mark this period as a successful decade Mr Chavez expressed his gratitude to the former Cuban President Fidel Castro, who has been ill for quite some time therefore did not appear.
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas/02/03/venezuela.chavez/index.html
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