Current Japanese finance minister, Shoichi Nakagawa, was blamed that he had been drunk while being interviewed during a recent news conference in Rome.
Mr. Nakagawa, however, denied the allegations and said that he had only drunk one sip of alcohol before facing the media. He apologised for his behaviour, which seemed a bit unusual, but the minister blamed the pills he had been taking in order to recover from cold.
But what exactly happened? During the interview he misunderstood a question and gave a wrong answer, and at one point he almost fell into a doze. He did not seem to be confident while having a speech, either, as some of his sentences were beyond all understanding.
One of the members of the opposition party, Yukio Hatoyama, told BBC that "It's embarrassing. This has sent a message to the whole world. He's damaged the national interest." In spite of the fact that the opposition party wants him to resign, Mr Nakagawa is reluctant to do so, after all, Prime Minister Taro Aso himself asked him to stay.
Some reports said that the finance minister is a regular drinker, but Mr. Nakagawa, yet again, did not admit these claims and as he said: "What I want the most now is to completely recover from my cold."
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